A PROJECT that runs school holiday events for children with special needs and disabilities has been awarded two more years of funding.

Organisers say that they are delighted that they will be able to continue and develop the Artz+ Sportz+ scheme which provides a programme of activities for children aged five to 16 years in venues across Dorset.

It has been running for eight years and gives children the opportunity to try something new.

Events this summer included archery, kayaking, abseiling, graffiti art, film-making, street dance and two themed Forest School days.

The project offers support for children including one to one help, if needed, and is seen as a lifeline. Artz+ Sportz+ is run by West Dorset District Council and funded by Dorset Short Breaks and other funders. There are still some places at events that will be taking place during October half term.

The cost is £4 per child and places must be booked in advance. Visit dorsetforyou.com/artz+, call 01305 252250 or email leisure@westdorset-weymouth.gov.uk for more details.