WINTERBOURNE Valley First School has been awarded an Eco Schools Award.

The school received a green flag award from the Eco-Schools organisation.

The scheme is an international award run by Keep Britain Tidy and it encourages pupils, staff and parents to become more sustainable. The programme covers nine topic areas and the children had to focus on three to achieve their award.

Students from Winterbourne Valley concentrated on energy, biodiversity and waste/recycling.

They were invited to give a talk about their work at a lunch held by the Dorchester Area Community Partnership.

The pupils reported on how the school saves energy which included taking part in the Switch Off Fortnight last November and having light monitors who make sure no lights, computers or classroom projectors are left on unnecessarily.

They showed pictures of their bug hotel, and nest boxes and reported on their hedge planting and bug hunts and explained how the school recycles its waste.

The pupils were excited to explain about the textile recycling bin at the school that raises money to help fund more projects to make our school environmentally sustainable.

Tessa Furguson from the school, said: “The children were delighted to participate and thrilled by the interest the adults showed in what they had done.”