SHAKESPEARE has been the topic of interest for Piddle Valley students this term, ending in a Tudor dance and retelling of Macbeth.

Children in Years 3 and 4 at Piddle Valley First School have been learning about William Shakespeare and the Tudors for the past six weeks.

Piddle Valley teacher Matt Wash said: “A fantastic turnout of parents and grandparents came to celebrate the topic ending with a morning where the children’s work was shared with their family, including a performance of a Tudor dance and a film, which retold the story of Macbeth.

“To see all the family members come and support the children is very much appreciated and the children loved showing off their amazing work.”

Pupils acted out Shakespeare’s plays, wrote an information booklet on life in Tudor times and created their own scenes with a twist for the Macbeth story.

For their science topic on electricity, the children worked in small groups to build a Tudor home and then design a way to light up the windows.

For design technology the children’s challenge was to plan and make a moneybag that would have been used in Tudor times.

Mr Wash added: “Their task was simply to create a 3D structure that is linked to Shakespeare or Tudor times.

“Projects included edible Tudor homes, stocks, a gruesome set showing how punishments were carried out and a model of William Shakespeare’s head.”

Even the maths lessons had a link to Shakespeare, with the children solving problems involving the witches from Macbeth and the amounts of different animal blood needed in their cauldron for a wicked potion.