I am not a person to campaign for causes normally.

I let others who have been elected decide our future. This time however I feel I must speak out.

There has in recent weeks been a lot of talk and articles in the Echo and on the news about Weymouth Pavilion and its imminent demise.

People have given reasons for closure or condemned the way the Pavilion has been run over the years. Statistics have been quoted and pulled to bits by others.

Suggestions given how to move forward, all by people more qualified than I.

As a member of Weymouth Drama club who has a passionate feeling about all aspects of theatre I find it heartbreaking at the very thought that our lovely cosy intimate little theatre is about to be demolished for yet another car park.

I have regularly performed at the Pavilion myself and seen many of the local groups and professional performances.

The recent production of Oliver by WOW was a very emotional evening – cathartic tears in many of the audience’s eyes.

Then only last week The Lions charity show brought our community together in a way no other event can. This sort of experience cannot be reduced to pounds shillings and pence.

I believe the Weymouth Pavilion theatre to be a living breathing part of this community.

There isn’t a show that I go to where I don’t meet many friends and acquaintances. This sort of shared experience has no equal.

Please save our wonderful Pavilion.

Could the complex be altered by some inspired architect to make it more economical?

Put in a trust run by people who love and understand the theatre and it would thrive.

I appreciate the council has to cut costs and there are many who think the arts a luxury we can’t afford at this time.

But are we so full of gloom that we don’t believe in a brighter future. To repeat what Mick Burt quoted in his letter to you: “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. Put up a parking lot.”

Just picture it.

Daphne Payne Weymouth