If you belong to Poundbury Rotary, expect the unexpected!

The Poundbury Rotary club is always looking a new and exciting ways to help support communities - and its most recent venture, The Wine Trail, proved a great success.

The idea behind the event was to allow attendees to travel the world - through wine.

The Wine Trail was also organised to celebrate the end of the Rotary year and for retiring present, Helen Horsley.

Peter Noble from the Rotary club said: "The attendees met up at the Dorset Wine Co at Strathmore House in Queen Mother’s Square. Greeted with Kir Royal, four parties were created, each being led by a Rotary member and each set off to the various venues.

"The red party started at Redefine Hair Salon on Peverell Avenue West, courtesy of Emma Hill, the co-owner. This was the Italian wine tasting venue, and three wines were tasted in turn, and the general consensus was the red choice was best – either way all were good to try and no doubt every person would have a different view.

"Moving on the Pengillys Solicitors at Challacombe House in Beechwood Square the parties were offered three wines from South Africa with Rotarian Kim Pile of Pengillys in charge. The Pinotage went down best.

"At each of the venues there were canapés to try, designed to reflect the country represented by the venue.

"Handelsbanken at 198 Bridport Road, was hosted by Rotarian and banker Kath Ayres. It had a choice of the wines from Australia, and some excellent canapés including a tiny prawn cocktail, and smoked salmon.

"The last venue was Parker’s Property on Peverell Avenue West where the French flag flew, and Rotarian Sam Cook, of Parkers looked after the guests.

"By this time the wines seemed to be merging together and so a defining result of what was best became impossible.

"All the groups finally gathered to end the evening at The Dorset Wine Co to finish off the evening, and the last of the wines.

"The final event was the raffle for three prizes, each of a magnum of wine."

The evening raised a total of £323 for Rotary charities.