TOMORROW is the last day people can have their say on council proposals which could restrict where people can walk their dogs in Weymouth and Portland.

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council is consulting on current dog-related orders and proposed changes under the new Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 with a public survey running until tomorrow.

It seeks residents’ views on whether dogs must be kept on a lead along the Rodwell Trail, open spaces at Portland Bill, Lodmoor Country Park and a footpath adjacent to the eastern side of the Marsh. Those who complete the survey are also asked whether the dogs permitted area on Weymouth Beach (the Pavilion end) should be changed.

Residents can also vote on whether dogs should continue to be allowed off the lead in the Preston Beach area, which is a designated dog exercise area.

Cllr Francis Drake, spokesman for community safety, said: “In order to inform decision-making, we’d like to obtain views from as many survey respondents as possible.

“This consultation is an opportunity for all interested parties to have their say on what is the best way forward for dog related orders in the borough.”

To have your say visit The results of the consultation will be reported to the policy committee on December 12.