“Speed ticket shock”!? Why the shock? (January 19, Letters).

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve only got to be driving on the roads for five minutes or less, before I spot a recidivist speeder speeding to get to their destination as fast as possible.

This includes both the old and the young unlike. So it comes as no surprise that Dorset is amongst the top 10 speeding ticket counties. Again, no shock as far as I’m concerned.

And as for the statement that “excessive and inappropriate speed has been identified as one of the five fatal offences”, that has been shockingly obvious for decades.

Just why the police authorities keep repeating this information is beyond me. Because, those that love speeding and seemingly cannot help themselves from lifting their right foot off the accelerator pedal a touch, will continue to do so unless the punishment fits this anti-social and dangerous practice.

At the moment it does not. Yes, it was a welcome relief that, in 2017, the rules were changed to inflict higher penalties on those who refuse to stop speeding. However, many people charged with driving offences will no doubt use every trick in the book to absolve themselves from paying high fines.

Needless to say, I have grave doubts that these new rules for driving offences will crack the nut of those who constantly flout the law. Like many aspects of crime, if you reward bad behaviour you will inevitably get more of it. So we should not be surprised that we are now engulfed in all manner of criminality – including, driving without due care and attention.

In fact, we are rapidly approaching a time when the UK will be the perfect place for criminals.


Kitchener Road
