PARENTS should avoid aiming too high for their children as unrealistic hopes cause them to fail exams, researchers have warned.

According to a report 'pushy' parents who have high expectations for their children and put pressure on them to do well are responsible for causing them to fail their exams.

I disagree with this to an extent as I believe without your parents behind you pushing you do to well and improve yourself and your grades a lot of teenagers would lack motivation and simply give up.

I'm not afraid to admit it but my parents were, and still are, very pushy as they want me to do well and they know I can do it. Yes it does add more pressure at times but as long as I do my best they are always proud of me.

I think there is a limit, parents should only push so much and then it is up to you but you do need them there reminding you that your exams are important.

You yourself should understand when you have done enough work and revision for your exams and keep some time to relax.

But without my 'pushy' parents I definitely would not be where I am now as they kept my motivation going.