Everywhere we look on social media, we are shown pictures of celebrities who are airbrushed and photoshopped.

It makes young people feel a pressure to look like that. Should we feel this way?

Every day, we see well-known celebrities post their latest photo shoot pictures. However natural the pictures look, they always have a ‘touch’ of editing.

Whether it’s smoothing our skin, defining curves or toning bodies, pictures are plastered to our screens every day, reminding us of how we should look.

The edits are etched into teenage brains, giving an unrealistic image of a what a natural body looks like - making us feel embarrassed of our own bodies as we think we don’t look ‘normal.’

Not only do we feel selfconscious, we also feel a pressure to look a certain way. This makes us become less confident and more reserved, which does impact our daily lives.

They don’t show people who have acne, as this is seen as ‘ugly,’ when, in fact, most young people have suffered have suffered with spots at some point in their lives.

Even though it’s natural, the media doesn’t show it, making us feel unnatural and alienated.

This is unrealistic and it needs to change.

My hope is that in the future, the media is more honest in the ways that people are portrayed by using less editing and ‘correcting.’ This would make young people feel confident in their own bodies.

I hope this can happen