We all like junk food and we all eat it or have eaten it at some point.

I don’t know a single person who hasn’t had junk food and no matter how many times people try to get us to eat healthily, it will never happen because we all like to have fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate in our house.

I think it is difficult to avoid foods that are bad for you because in shops you can see sweets, chocolates and fizzy drinks in the windows or on display and it makes you want to buy them.

The worst thing is when there is an offer, for example three items for £1 or buy one item and get another one free; they are made to make you really want to buy the product and I find it extremely hard to resist.

Perhaps adults can resist the temptation. When I am out in town, I usually buy a fizzy drink and a sandwich whereas when I am at home, I will eat an apple, banana, grapes or an orange, so I guess what you eat while you are out depends on where you are and who you are with.

If your friends go to buy something unhealthy then you will probably get the same as them, or something similar.

However, I think that even if plans for a sugar tax go ahead, people will still buy unhealthy things.

They might buy fewer items – or they’ll ignore it and carry on buying the same amount. I am an active person but cutting down on unhealthy food is still essential to me.

If every single sugary thing has a sugar tax on it then people might stop buying unhealthy products altogether. Nobody is making anyone eat so many sugary products and it is their choice on how much they eat.

I know that the goal is to cut down on obesity, but I think if people do eat a lot of sugary things then they should start doing sports instead.