It has been reported that a unique bee and others will be extinct in Dorset unless their environment is improved. Birds and butterflies etc will suffer the same fate also.

The New Road banks are ideal for planting wild flowers, wild bird food that will be a joy to see in years to come if the councillors and the community adapt this simple suggestion.

People who pass on could be remembered by giving money for wildflower seeds and records kept of the area planted in remembrance. Governor of YOI, can you help?

Years ago I and other officers used to take defenders nearing the end of their sentence to work on projects like the one I am suggesting. The young offenders enjoyed working out and it was good for their rehabilitation.

The expertise and the planning should come from the county council and councillors. Poppy seeds could be planted next to remember the sacrifices of the First World War. Come on county councillors, adapt this suggestion. You might be-able to sell those mushrooms on sticks for £2.50 that will buy a packet of seeds.


Old Castle Road
