There has been much anger directed at inconsiderate bonfire users, from Weymouth householders, in the Echo recently and on their website.

I would like to add to this discussion, as an asthmatic, who is normally able to control the condition through inhalers.

Throughout this summer, I have twice had to speak to my doctor and my asthma nurse, for advice on how to deal with the effects of bonfire smoke.

In fact as I write this letter at 12.30pm on Tuesday, another bonfire has started up in the nearby allotments.

I have been advised to increase the dose of my steroid inhaler, etc. This is a real medical problem – not just objecting to the awful smell of smoke in the house, curtains, etc.

When we have to inevitably close all windows and doors – the temperature soars in all the rooms. I then have to sleep in a hot room which smells of smoke all night, adding to my breathing problems.

The borough council advice on their Dorset For You website is: ‘Avoid burning at weekends, evenings and on bank holidays when people want to enjoy their homes and gardens.’ Please take your garden waste to the tip, as we householders are expected to!

I urge everyone affected by bonfires to contact their council office and local councillor to air their complaints.

Weymouth Asthma Sufferer, Address supplied