The new football stadium proposed for Lodmoor may look like a low-key development in the artists’ impression on p6 of the Echo (Thursday, Aug 14), which takes a viewpoint from the Preston Beach Road, but I would urge you to publish an impression of what it would look like when viewed from the Lodmoor Country Park – say from the open green area inside the miniature railway track.

According to the plan on the developers’ website, the currently green and leafy boundary between the park and the proposed site would be defined by the back of a tiered covered spectator stand as long as the main football pitch, with floodlights above, close to almost the whole stretch of path that winds through the park on that side.

The decision on whether this high-impact development will be getting planning permission has not yet been made, and this would be an opportunity to let your readers see both sides of the picture.

C Johnson, Westbourne Road, Weymouth