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Although car parks are described as off-street and therefore the signage does not have to align with the government’s Traffic Signs Manual, it would be a nicety if they did as for some years now, cars have been banned from the car parks, according to the signage.

The red diagonal line is non-preferred by the EU as it partially obscures the pictogram and must only be used where changes of direction are prohibited. Nevertheless, it has been used extensively in off-street and private applications.

This is unfortunate, as in order to highlight that which is allowed, the pictogram is shown in a red circle without the diagonal line,which means that it is also disallowed.

I am assured that ‘work in progress’ will show that what is allowed is in green circles.

The above applies extensively to West Dorset and has been reported to the Bridport Town Council and WDDC Car Parks dept with no outcome!

I would further suggest, following the ethos of the Road Traffic Manual, that in order to minimise visual overload and clutter that only vehicles that are disallowed are shown.

MB Leighton
