Yes, up to a point, Weymouth does rely on tourism. But not unlike many other seaside towns, where there is always an ongoing bleating about the lack of tourists. From those who benefit from it to local businesses, it is no big surprise that these types are always complaining when it affects their bottom line.

These people are really only interested in how much cash they can make from them (exaggerated prices for ice-creams, etc).

Most of us that don’t own ice cream shops, properties or hotels never see any benefit in our collective pockets, no matter how many tourists visit Weymouth.

No, unlike the Weymouth business community, the rest of us have to go to work for the same amount of money each week. What Weymouth really needs is more infrastructure, more year round jobs, not seasonal work which in the main pays as little as an employer can get away with. A weekly wage for a few months that barely keeps the wolf from the door.

Andrew Martin
Abbotsbury Road