I agree with every criticism voiced by Weymouth Traders about the BID (Anger over cost of trader Group, Friday, November 7).

The BID has failed dismally to address the failing footfall in the town centre. Under its constitution everything is to be kept secret from the levy payers and the board, which only meets four times a year, and has devolved most of its decision-making to the BID manager.

The board needs to ditch the current constitution, meet monthly and appoint and support a chairman who has the energy, vision and character to energise every town centre business to work together to improve the whole shopping experience and increase footfall.

The largest growing tourism sector at the moment is sport and activity.

The BID should be researching the capacity in the area, putting operators (fishing, windboarding, sailing, cliff jumping, etc) accommodation providers, pubs and clubs together to create an attractive package for promotion nationally and internationally.

Morecombe, a much smaller resort than Weymouth, put such a package together 20 years ago with local artists.

That programme now brings in £3m or so to their economy every year.

Dorset Arts Week proves we have the people and environment to develop this.

Could the BID fund a dedicated town centre policeman – a proper one wearing tunic and helmet – to patrol five days a week.

The sight of a traditional British bobby on the beat, moving on beggars etc, would help locals and visitors alike to feel safe and comfortable around the town and beach.

Perhaps the BID could work with a local group to set up a lounge where hot food and other support could be available to such people and where the proposed Bobby could refer them.

I know that many other levy payers have great ideas which could be adopted to the benefit of all.

Unfortunately there is currently no mechanism in Weymouth BID to allow these ideas to be discussed and progressed.

I have not been informed, but found out by accident, there is to be an AGM at the Royal Hotel on Tuesday, November 18 from 5.30 to 7.30.

If levy payers have not received official notification I would urge them to attend.

This would be a fine chance for us all to influence the future direction of the BID.

P Saunders, Weymouth