It seems that Mr Oliver Letwin was one of the pedlars of the Poll Tax, and that his hawking of this ill-conceived idea was significant in its implementation – according to the recently released 1985 Cabinet papers.

I wonder if he is proud of this, or whether he acknowledges that this was a major factor in the downfall of Mrs Thatcher.

Or that it was so unfair that it was doomed to failure in any society which gives any weight on equity.

How could it ever be right that four minimum wage people living in a council flat should pay four times as much in local tax as a millionaire living in a palace, acknowledging that the minimum wage was yet to be introduced?

I think we need to know what those who put themselves up for election to parliament stand for, for example does Mr Letwin stand for flat rate taxes in other areas?

Lee Dalton
Rylands Nook
Fairview Road