AS PART of the upcoming Crabchurch Conspiracy Commemoration Weekend from February 27 to March 1, we, the organisers, are offering free school visits from the famous author of the Stonewylde Series of novels, Kit Berry and two other costumed story-tellers.

They will visit any school in the area (Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester) and teach the pupils all about the incredible story of Weymouth’s Crabchurch Conspiracy during the English Civil War.

It is an exciting true tale of conspiracy, heroism, honour and blood-letting which many will be surprised to learn about as actually happening here.

It is a story which ended in the deaths of about five hundred people, many in just one single night of fighting, and encompassed all of Dorset.

Kit Berry is now a very well known novelist, but used to live in Weymouth and worked as a teacher here for many years.

She is currently working on a new novel set on Portland at the time of the Crabchurch Conspiracy.

The Crabchurch weekend will also feature two days of re-enactment culminating in a trial and execution of the conspirators and also a fantastic concert on the Saturday night.

It features internationally renowned Celtic band The Dolmen and the historian and TV presenter, Professor Ronald Hutton, who will be giving one of his famous history talks as well as joining with the Dolmen on stage narrating along with actor Jane McKell and Steve Howl, with backing vocals from The Dorset Wrecks.

The Crabchurch weekend is a family event bringing to life the Weymouth of 370 years ago.

Any teacher or school wishing to avail themselves of this offer, please contact Diane Narraway on 07815017400.

Kit can be contacted on 07974203031.


Walpole Street
