HOW much space do businesses in town need? Our town is becoming a maze to get through with A-boards and seating areas clogging up the pavements.

I think the council and businesses want to see our once vibrant town as a ghost town, by these issues putting people off from coming back.

I’m sure they certainly don’t think of wheelchair users, people with walking sticks, the blind or pushchairs.

A-boards are not needed – if you look up they also have signs protruding from their shopfront to show what the shop is.

I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if they were all the same distance from the shop fronts but no, they’re scattered, so you have to zig zag your way around.

The A-boards on the corner near Frederick Place are particularly bad right on the bend of the road trying to navigate pushchairs and the like around the bend.

Then we come to restaurants with their dining tables each side.

It seems that these are becoming more and more into the pedestrian areas.

As these are each side of the street, put with bins and A-boards, no wonder people aren’t coming to the town – they need sat navs to get around all the obstacles to get to the shops.

Once you can get into a shop, you’ve no hope of purchasing anything because you can’t get round to look, because the shop floor is full of too much stock.

I have on occasion knocked displays down to get the pushchair through.

All of the above has contributed the loss of our town.

Now we see why internet shopping is so much better.

Sue & Gavin Carter, Address supplied, Weymouth