IF anyone – except of course, for those who fortunately inhabit the same bubble that Oliver Letwin occupies – ever thought that Oliver Letwin lives in a world that the majority of us lives in, well, they are in need of a very loud wake-up call.

The likes of Mr Letwin and his chums have no idea whatsoever of what most people have to put up with day after day, month in month out.

The everyday struggles and the continuing desperation of surviving from one week to the next.

Whilst the fortunate few enjoy the benefits of a societal system that rewards those who exploit the majority at the expense of the minority.

Where paying tax (be it corporation tax or whatever) is merely an ongoing game between themselves and the tax collecting authorities.

Where paying nothing is better than paying a little.

And where the rest of us have to pay our tax week after week or month after month whether we like it or not.

Mr Letwin will never “come and join the majority of his constituents in the real world” (Mary Duane, Letters December 12).

Why would he?

He lives in his bubble and most of us live in ours.

Besides, could you ever imagine Mr Letwin queuing up at a food bank?

Of course not.

Andrew Martin

Kitchener Road,
