I FELT somewhat weary and dispirited when I read the comment from 94783489 in the Echo (June 25). Once again I am being blamed for all the ills of society because I was born in 1947.

Yes, I am a “baby boomer”, as are most of my friends and some of my family. Yes, we enjoyed education and employment opportunities, and fully appreciated them.

But guess what? We had (and still have) this naive idea that society matters, and those who benefit should be proud to give something back. We went into the caring professions. On retirement, many of us went into voluntary work. We enjoyed making a contribution and none of us is rich.

Everyone I know of my generation voted to remain in the EU.

Society is bitterly divided on so many levels at present. Please don’t make things worse with blanket assumptions about a whole generation.

Christine Tempest

Romulus Close,
