THE directors at Weymouth FC are taking steps to mend the divisions that have plagued the boardroom in recent times.

The hierarchy at the Bob Lucas Stadium held a “very productive” board meeting last weekend and is currently discussing ways in which it can provide better governance throughout the club.

Echosport has also been invited to a special questions and answers session ahead of next weekend’s home clash with Arlesey Town where “full and honest answers” will be given on any subject that “does not jeopardise anything the board is currently working on”.

The club’s directors decided to make the offer in response to an article that was published in Echosport last Saturday, titled ‘It’s time to settle your differences’, in which sports reporter Adam Summers gave his own personal thoughts on the current divisions at the Terras and the detrimental effect it was having on the club as a whole.

Club chairman Nigel Biddlecombe ex-plained: “The article did cause some comments at last weekend’s meeting and I came out of it feeling extremely confident and positive that as a board we could all move forward and work together.

“Since then a couple of occasions have arisen that have brought those personality clashes to a head again but I am sure they can be overcome.

“Everyone on the board wants what is best for Weymouth FC but at the moment every time we make a decision something happens to cut it off and that is the main concern.

“I am not talking about major issues here either and it is something we clearly need to address.”

Biddlecombe has once again received assurances from the rest of the board surrounding his dual role as chairman and secretary, and it has also been agreed that each director will now head up a particular line of the business, such as commercial, the stadium or matchdays etc. Those responsibilities are scheduled to be confirmed soon.

The board is also looking into ways to improve its accountancy arrangements and would welcome any ideas surrounding further fundraising initiatives and ways of raising the club’s community appeal.

The new Player Budget Fund which has been set up this week by the Weymouth FC Supporters Association has been described as “a wonderful idea” and the directors are hoping more schemes will follow in the future.

Finally, Biddlecombe has confirmed that talks with NGS have stagnated for the time being and that the club is waiting for the next development on the ongoing land issue.

He added: “From the meeting we held with the shareholders recently there is clearly a reticence to accept the investment scenario, and with the people involved with NGS being abroad in Africa opening new lines of business, that has been put on the backburner at the moment.

“As for the land issue, planning permission has been denied on the Bob Lucas Stadium site and as much as we would like to be proactive, realistically all we can do as a club now is just wait and see what the other parties decide to do in response.”

* If you have a question you would like Echosport to consider asking the board please email it to