WEYMOUTH will be looking to build on last week's first win of the season when they travel to Westbury tomorrow in Dorset & Wilts One South (3pm).

The Seasiders put their first points on the board by scoring eight tries in a fine 50-3 win over Puddletown at Monmouth Avenue despite missing several players in key positions through injury.

Tomorrow though, presents an unknown challenge for skipper Tony Worle and his team-mates. Worle said: "Westbury are new to the league so we don't know anything about them really. They've lost their two opening games and that is all we have to go on.

"Everyone is very confident at the moment after last week's performance so we travel to Westbury in good spirits with a strong squad."

Weymouth welcome back hooker James Borrington from a neck injury while James Ford, returning from rugby league duties, comes in for youngster Ryan Llewendon.

Weymouth Seconds began their campaign with a 36-22 win against Poole last Saturday so they will be hoping for more of the same at Lytchett Minster in Dorset & Wilts Three South.

Julian Quick, Nathan Allen, Scott Page and Clive Frances were all amongst the points in last weekend's success which was hailed as a fine team performance by captain John Beare.

The skipper will now be looking for an identical display but Lytchett will be no pushovers. They were awarded the two points last week after their opening game against Dorchester Thirds was cancelled.

Paul Ninnim is expecting a tough match against Puddletown in Dorset and Wilts Division One South tomorrow.

Bridport's head coach labelled Puddletown as the Blues' bogey side and despite their heavy defeat at the hands of Weymouth last weekend, they will be taking nothing for granted.

"They are our bogey side really," said Ninnim. "We never have an easy game against them for some reason."

Bridport have won their first two fixtures of the campaign, against Blandford and North Dorset, and will welcome a string of key players back from absence as they hunt for a quickfire treble.

Hosts Puddletown will be desperate to hit back after last week's disappointment.

Captain Pete Gordon is looking forward to tomorrow's clash.

He said: "We are not going to get down about the loss to Weymouth. I've been encouraged by the lads' efforts and work-rate so far and we are always confident at home.

"We always seem to play well against Bridport and hopefully tomorrow will be no different."

The Villagers are expected to name an unchanged side for the visit of the Blues.