The competition to select Weymouth's new club crest has reached stage two with the most popular new design going up against the existing badge in a final vote.

Terras' chairman Malcolm Curtis has explained why the existing crest was not included in the original vote.

He said in a statement on the club's website: "Since I've become chairman here, it's always been important for me to listen to all the supporters of the club.

"We have made the club more democratic than it has probably ever been.

"The Trust and the Supporters Club have, and continue to be involved in every major decision making process. However, this spirit of democracy is still a learning process for us all and perhaps we could all have handled this situation better.

"By taking away the choice to vote for the current crest it could be perceived as highly undemocratic and in some way that the outcome was contrived and that is against everything we are trying to achieve and for that, I personally apologise.

"We have all learnt from this and will move forward from this together."

See the Echo later this week for the winning new design and to register your final vote.