PROUD mums and dads were at Redlands Community Sports Hub to see a demonstration of their children’s gymnastics skills.

Coach Katie Wilson praised her class members.

She said: ”The children have worked really hard and made fantastic progress. It’s not only their gymnastic skills but also their confidence, which has really improved.

“They’ve been really excited about showing off what they can do to their mums and dads.”

Katie coaches the weekly class with fellow coaches – sister Camille Wilson, Sharon Morgan and Fulvia Daubney.

The Next Steps class, from school years reception to Year Two have been working on basic skills including handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls and dance.

The Giant Steps class, for children in Years Two to Four showed more advanced skills where they linked skills together to form routines.

They have been using gymnastic equipment such as the trampette and springboard to learn jumping moves and the beam to improve their balance.

All the children are working towards their BAGA – British Amateur Gymnastics Association awards.

For further information about gymnastics at Redlands, contact the reception on 813113.