BUDDING football stars are being given the chance to develop their skills under the expert tuition of Weymouth boss Ian Hutchinson.

The Terras will be holding a Christmas Soccer School at the Bob Lucas Stadium on December 20 (9am-1pm) where a maximum of 40 lucky youngsters, aged five to 15, will also get the opportunity to meet several of the club’s players.

Hutchinson said: “We had a good turnout at the last one and hopefully we will get another good one this time around.

“A few of the players will be attending and it will be good for the community. With it being the festive season, it will all be about fun and games really, so it should be a very enjoyable event.”

The cost of participating in the school is £9.99 per person. To book a place, or to find out more, email Terras’ chairman George Rolls at georgerolls@btinternet.com