MORE than 500 runners braved the wintry weather to compete in stage four of the Endurancelife Coastal Trail Series.

There were three distances on offer for the Portland-based event – 10km, half-marathon and marathon – and one competitor even ventured all the way from Sweden to take part.

Robert Bloom, who ran the marathon, said: “It’s currently minus 15 degrees in Stockholm and I was keen to run somewhere a bit warmer. The scenery on Portland was beautiful, however, running on the pebbles was hell.”

Victory in the marathon went to Daniel Doherty and Diane Roy in the ladies’ section.

Tucker Murphy was top dog in the half-marathon with Jane Fanning taking the ladies’ honours while Phil Wade and Clare Donovan prevailed in the 10km race.

When the athletes crossed the finish line the hot topic was the infamous, energy-sapping Chesil Beach pebbles. James Heraty from Endurancelife said: “The centrepiece in this event is the fantastic Chesil Beach section which certainly provides a talking point and ensures that Portland remains one of the toughest stages in the Coastal Trail Series.”

All routes, which started from the Wey-mouth & Portland National Sailing Academy, took the trail runners around the island’s cliff tops while the thawing conditions made for challenging terrain underfoot.

Heraty added: “A big thank you goes to WPNSA, Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, Dorset County Council and The Crown Estate for their continued co-operation and support.”