Letters to the Editor

Send us your views on the week's news

Letters sent to the Editor from across Dorset and the New Forest. We welcome letters on any topic, but preference may be given to subjects of local interest. Please limit letters to a maximum of 250-words.

Letters sent to the Editor from across Dorset and the New Forest. We welcome letters on any topic, but preference may be given to subjects of local interest. Please limit letters to a maximum of 250-words.

Latest articles from Letters to the Editor

'The power of positive thinking'

In common with millions of others, I was totally gutted and as sick as a parrot when Gareth Southgate's team failed to overcome the might of Spain.

'Frustrations over state of path'

IN 2021 BCP Council dug up Harewood Avenue, between College Drive and the Littledown Ave roundabout (between the two crossings) to resurface the road.