FIFTY years ago the Dutch took on the car-is-king plague which is still ruining BCP's three towns, and won.

Same in Berlin 30 years ago.

Four years ago the French did the same thing in Paris, and won.

Nine years ago Boris started a battle in the city of London, which is now won.

San Francisco, New York, Korea, all winning the battle against pollution and crime which gridlock and a cars only mentality inflict on a neighbourhood.

The 2,000 people who stopped a cycle and bus route along our coast from east to west, and the 1,000 people trying to stop cycling in Poole Park need to stand aside and allow our towns to thrive and prosper again.

Trades people lose money whilst sitting in traffic jams. Ambulance delays can be fatal. Same fire engines. Criminals escape justice.

Employers will not locate in towns in gridlock.

It all starts and ends with the roads.

Safe cycling is the only way forwards and upwards. Anything else, too grim to even contemplate.

Susan Stockwell

Britannia Road,
