On Saturday I’m going to London to join the People’s Vote March.

I am not going to demand a reversal of the Brexit vote but rather to demand 60 million Brits be allowed to know and then vote on the final Brexit deal, being something not one of the eligible 60 knew when they voted two years ago.

I will not be marching for myself as my time is fast running out but I will walk to the Palace of Westminster for my children, their children and their children’s children.

My time started without a father who did not survive WW2, continued through the years of rationing, saw the mods and rockers fighting in our streets, witnessed the awful sight of our policemen beating our coal miners and the dreadful sight of our streets piled high with sacks of rat infested rubbish.

The race riots and bombings reported nightly on my TV will never be forgotten nor will the feeling of impending doom when sterling was devalued, on Black Wednesday, during the three day week and when banking collapsed.

But none of the above even approaches the fundamental, long lasting significant changes to our society, commerce and standing in the world which will be effected by Brexit and not one of us, including the Prime Minister, yet knows what the Brexit deal will be, let alone how it will impact on all our lives.

Much has been made of the ‘democracy’ of our vote in 2016 but we voted ignorant of the truth of the matter and only a national vote on the final deal will satisfy the definition of democracy which is ‘rule by the people’.

We are the people who, when properly informed, must be allowed to decide the way ahead.


Dorchester Road
