Brexit means Brexit and she's made a hash of it.

Remain voters will doubtless be overjoyed at the capitulation of the UK government: as a jubilant colleague of mine said "it's one step back to full membership".

The only fly in the ointment, which I pointed out to him, is that full membership is not what he thinks it is. Nick Clegg's "hideous lie" – that the EU was bent on forming its own army, has been proven to be the truth, as comments from Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron have confirmed this past week.

Why wouldn't the EU want an army?

All nation states have armies, and the EU wants to be a supra-national state.

Do not be fooled by the argument put forward by some Remainers that this measure is to better allow Europe to fulfil its NATO obligations.

Macron stated that this army was to defend itself, amongst others, "against the US".

Warmongering words aside, NATO is largely subsidised by the US.

An attempt to create a force to rival it would result in huge increases in defence spending for EU nation states. In other words, more money drained from the NHS.

And for those Remainers still pointing and shrieking at the words of a certain red bus, take heed of the words of Gunther Oettinger, the EU's budget chief, who said that our budget rebate will continue to be reduced, since it is "no longer appropriate" in a family of 27 nations.

And finally, as was revealed in 2017, the EU wants all member states to be on the Euro by 2025.

What this means is that Britain will no longer have control of its interest rates or broader monetary policy and in the event of a recession will not be able to control its own responses as it did in 2007/8.

Worse, the competitive advantage enjoyed by German manufacturing, but offset by differences in exchange rates between the pound and the euro, will see jobs lost to Germany, as has happened elsewhere in Europe, leading to unemployment rates in most European states that are much higher than here in Britain.

But remember, it was only Leavers who didn't know what they were voting for.


St Annes Road, Weymouth