Richard Drax’s musings on the US mid-term elections purport to be an objective view of lessons from across the Atlantic.

However, its really just another opportunity to praise his hero Donald Trump, denigrate anything even slightly left of centre politically (“the liberal elite....”), and push his own agenda for a hard Brexit.

Drax’s intimation that the Democrats only achieved their gains by spending much more money than the Republicans is, of course, utterly ridiculous.

There has been a huge ground-swell of anti-Trump sentiment away from his (not insignificant) hard-core right wing support base.

His suggestion that Trump holds firm to his word is also contrary to the egotistical, petulant and child-like behaviour that we see from Trump on a daily basis.

He keeps his promises does he?

Well the two things that I remember most from his campaign were “Build the wall – Mexico will pay” and “Lock her up”.

The first was an un-achievable rallying call appealing to the racists and xenophobes, and the second a baseless denigration of his opponent who – if lacking in charisma, is basically honest (which is more than can be said about Trump); this promise conveniently forgotten.

Trump is a supporter of Brexit.

I wonder why – possibly because the EU is too big and strong for him to dominate and bully in negotiations.

It’s much easier to impose your will on a small divided nation desperate for a deal.

Don’t expect any favours from Trump in any forthcoming trade deals.

With respect to keeping promises on Brexit. We are going to leave the EU.

The details on the exit deal were not on the ballot paper, and if they had been, the vast majority (even of those voting to leave) would have voted for a deal in which the greatest possible proportion of existing free trade arrangements could be maintained.

Other than the faint chance of reversing Brexit, that’s the best we can realistically hope for, so that’s what to aim for.

A no-deal Brexit would be a disaster leaving the UK even worse off, though not significantly affecting the Tory right wing zealots such as Rees-Mogg, Johnson and (yes him) Drax.

Come on Richard – less of this pompous drivel; how about some concrete actions to make peoples lives better.

Mark Gugan
