Dear Sir

I would like to comment on Barry Thompson's letter (Echo Jan 31st) who I am sure is well aware that WDDC is securing our 35% Local Plan target for affordable homes on the vast majority of qualifying developments. Many will be housing association etc homes for rent but there are also joint ownership and starter homes. We also achieve financial contributions for offsite affordable home programmes if there is a shortfall of onsite provision.

He should also be aware that under the UK's planning system we are required to reach decisions on the Planning Applications schemes submitted - we cannot consider theoretical alternative solutions for sites. However, where there are valid planning grounds to refuse a particular application a different type of development may later emerge, but the Council preferring a different solution is unlikely to constitute a valid planning reason for refusal.

The determination of a Planning Application is a regulated process where a recommendation is provided with the planning merits and relevant policies fully considered. Applicants are entitled to have their planning applications determined in accordance with the national and local planning policies - not political aspirations.

Barry again mentions the prison development and the lack of affordable homes in the approved scheme. National policy allows for a reduction etc in affordable housing where it is not viable to meet our 35% requirement. WDDC does not rely upon the costs and calculations supplied by applicants to decide on viability. Instead WDDC engage experts (such as the District Valuer (DV)) to independently cost submitted schemes. If viability was not allowed to be taken into consideration developers would be less likely to proceed and homes would not be provided.

Cllr Ian Gardner

Portfolio Holder Planning West Dorset District Council