A NEW era is dawning.

The religion/ideology of liberal retardation/political correctness is reaching the end of its shelf life.

The EU forces this mentality on member states via the appointed commission aided by colluding leaders of the majority of member countries.

Nobody in Europe ever voted for this madness. According to liberals all problems are caused by lack of resources /money. Apparently if we give more money to poor areas of London we will stop knife crime.

If you say that proper punishment for criminals and merit based immigration might help you are smeared as a sadistic racist.

While debating a liberal on Islamic terrorism i said we could stop it by not importing Islam, it works for Poland.

I received the answer that there are more people killed on the roads. This kind of logic is now governing Europe.

According to Lord Knight (former MP in south Dorset) many young men in the area are on benefits, in prison or dead due to lack of opportunity.

This is entirely the fault of the liberal education system which teaches you that you're entitled to a cushy, rewarding job and if you don't get it you're entitled to turn to crime, claim benefits or get depressed. I remember being taught about having pride in supporting yourself by working in any kind of job.

It was a weakness to turn to drugs and drink if you couldn't hack it, now its the fault of the state apparently.

There are rays of hope on the horizon. With Trump in America and Brexit here we may get back some common sense.

Going by recent letters of doom and gloom by local liberals they can see the writing on the wall.


Essex Road, Weymouth