Anyone who has not the had a chance to visit the cinema this week do not know what they have missed, if they have not seen Sam Mendes's masterpiece,1917.

I had the privilege of being able to do so on Tuesday.

Many films have been made relating to what was known at the time as the War to end all wars.

With modern filmmaking, realism is the order of the day.

Digital input provides the sense of realism, artificially, but not for Mr Mendes, as far as I can see.

The sets are full size vistas of extraordinary accurate detail.

We are taken through trenches as if we are actually in company with those soldiers; they and us witnessing the indescribable horrors of life below ground level.

We are with the two main stars from the outset.

Worse is to come as we venture into No Mans Land.

Anyone who sees this film will be very much moved by what our ancestors must have and did go through.

This film must be the ultimate film of all time on the Great War.

My advice is don't miss it.


Walpole St
