BELLE Construction jumped to the top of the South & West Dorset League standings after a 55-24 win over McCarthy Stone.

Belle started with fast pace and slick passing but McCarthy made some valuable interceptions and with accurate shooting this kept them not too far behind Belle at the end of the quarter.

Powerful passing down court by Belle showed their quality but McCarthy were patient and worked hard to stay within eight at half-time.

McCarthy’s C Emily Ford found great space and in a brilliant display of teamwork McCarthy applied pressure leading to turnovers.

READ MORE: South & West Dorset League - week five round-up

Belle then stepped up a gear and after some strong play pulled ahead. Great communication between Belle’s GS Laura Buckle and GA Jamie Browne saw Belle home with a comfortable margin of victory.



ARTIFEX Dragons also have a 100 per cent record, taking their sixth win in Division One courtesy of a 46-34 scoreline against WJNC Wildcats.

Both teams started strong but made mistakes due to pass pressure.

Wildcats took an early lead but Dragons fought back as good defending turned over the ball, taking it to their shooters who worked well round the D to end two goals ahead.

Wildcats’ shooters worked well and their defence was strong but turnovers allowed Dragons to extend their lead.

Dragons continued to draw ahead despite great effort from Wildcats, whose centre-court players made good interceptions and put pressure on Dragons.

Wildcats C Nancy Garman made good interceptions and their shooters were on form thanks to good feeds from their WA Jenni Ayles.

However, Dragons’ defence prevented Wildcats from making major inroads on the score and they took the win.



TEAM Waikiki clinched their second success of the season, seeing off Joe Newton Electrical 49-36 in Division One.

Both teams started strong with Newton playing well in the D, their GD Rosa Bryson responsible for several interceptions.

Waikiki stayed on the ball intercepting Newton’s passes and picked up the pace to draw ahead by two goals.

Waikiki worked well through the court, although Newton’s C Emma Andre played strongly throughout the quarter.

Newton’s GS Mandy Grafton and GA Carragh Watt worked well together with some great shots some from the edge of the circle but despite this Waikiki drew ahead.

Waikiki continued to pass the ball down the court to their shooters but Newton’s defence worked well together. 

Newton made great movement down the court and their tough defence made it hard for Waikiki’s shooters, however, they did enough to take the win.



THE closest win of the round went to Artifex Sirens, who beat Dream Digital 25-23 in Division Two.

Sirens started well, working the ball around the shooting D with Dream’s defence working hard to overturn it.

Dream’s C Molly Horton applied pressure to force Sirens into mistakes as her team proved efficient moving the ball down court, together with GK Christine Jones making frequent interceptions in an even quarter.

Dream’s GD Danielle Lyones chalked up numerous interceptions in the third quarter, as did Sirens C Molly Horton.

Sirens also picked up the pace during the quarter moving the ball around the court faster and smoother, but Dream held a one goal lead.

Dream’s WA Jordan Sawyer disrupted Sirens’ gameplay on several occasions and Horton made some impressive long shots even with Jones applying maximum pressure.

Sirens pulled ahead at the end of the quarter, forcing Dream to start the final period at a fast pace.

Sirens’ lead slowly reduced as Dream caught up but Sirens clung on to win by two goals.