PORTLAND has a new mayor - and she's vowed to do her best for the island and promote the good work going on.

Sheila Miles said she'd also like see 'more harmony' in the community amid local tensions about the asylum seeker barge at Portland Port.

At the first full council meeting following the election, Portland Town Council voted to elect Cllr Miles as mayor.

Cllr Miles represents Tophill East and first became a councillor in 2021. She moved to the island several years ago upon retiring, and this is her first time taking the position of mayor.

Speaking on the night, she said: "I am just so proud and honoured, and flattered beyond words to be elected as mayor.

"I promise I will do my best for the people of Portland.

"I am looking forward to going out meeting people and representing Portland to the best of my ability."

Cllr Miles previously lived in London where she worked for the Home Office dealing with visas.

She currently serves as the treasurer of the Portland Women's Institute.

Dorset Echo: The chain was placed upon Cllr Miles for the first time by former mayor Cllr Parkes and the town clerk The chain was placed upon Cllr Miles for the first time by former mayor Cllr Parkes and the town clerk (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Cllr Miles told the Echo later: "I would like to see a lot more harmony on the island. People have got very upset about the barge and things going on that are beyond the town council's control.

"It would be nice to move forward and promote Portland.

"I prefer to keep Portland unique because there is not any place like this in the UK and we need to keep it that way."

She takes over from Cllr Carralyn Parkes. Cllr Charlie Flack was elected as deputy mayor.

Cllr Sue Cocking was elected as chair of the council, and Cllr Charlie Flack was elected as vice chair.

Dorset Echo: Cllr Miles and Cllr FlackCllr Miles and Cllr Flack (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

In the election on Portland, the Independents for Dorset took control, winning nine seats out of a total of 14. Previously Labour had held nine of the seats, with the Independents having five.

The Green Party also won their first seat as Kia Pope won in Underhill.

Portland Town Council will be holding its annual meeting on May 29.

Cllr Miles undertook her first mayoral engagement on Friday, May 17 at the annual general meeting of the Friends of Weymouth and Portland Hospital.

Read more: Lib Dems and Independents celebrate success in town council elections